high table talk

find us where it's always greener


what is high table talk?
High Table Talk is a stream-of-consciousness podcast with the tiniest bit of structure where we get high and get deep, with topics like relationships, family, friendships, mental health, and more.
do i need to be high to listen?
Nope! Feel free to get lit or stay sober, listen while you do the chores or drive to work or to use as background noise to sleep! We just ask that you stay open-minded, reflect, learn, and grow with us (and make sure the kids are in bed before you listen).
who are you?
We're just two cousins / best friends / sisters who want to share their silly thoughts and open up the conversations with the world.
where can i listen?
Check out our RSS feed to listen! We're also on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
what's the point?
Why not?
how often do you post?
We're both super busy with our day jobs and our life, so we try to post once a month.
I have a question that hasn't been answered...
Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] -- or slide into our DMs on Instagram if you're brave enough. We also have a CuriousCat if you prefer to ask anonymously!